Sunbathing essentials, beach accessories, coastal lifestyle, sand gear, seaside relaxation, tropical beach supplies, ocean inspired products, beach day must-haves, sun protection gears, vacation essentials

Welcome to Puddles & Palmtrees!

Welcome to our website!

Welcome to Puddles and Palmtrees! 

I am so happy you are here.

In the immense realm of online shopping, we want to keep it as simple as possible with a small selection of very well-chosen outdoor products, we have tried and loved over time. There is no product we haven't fallen in love with ourselves. 

Imagine us as your advisor for the next outdoor adventure. 

With Puddles and Palmtrees we want not only inspire people to go outside, but also provide the best products on the market to make this experience as enjoyable as possible to increase the likelihood of repetition.

We start with a collection of our beach products, as this is part of our everyday life here in South Florida, but plan to expand to different areas of the outdoors. In the About us section you can read more about our deeply rooted love for the outdoors. 

Through our adventurous lives, we always found our balance and grounding when being in nature and in the depths of my heart I wished other people to know this secret for their lives as well. Knowing and feeling the therapeutic effect of spending time outside on our well-being, knowing that every struggle and problem shrinks incredibly in size just by stepping outside.

In our blogposts you can look forward to reading more about the huge benefits spending time in nature has on our well-being as well as articles about each product and an invite to build a community of outdoor lovers. 

In Germany - our home country - there's a saying (and I remember it's coming from the Scandinavian countries): 

"there is no such thing as bad weather, just wrong clothing."

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